I want to invest
British Natural Gas Company
Reimbursement means: Earnings are paid by the day,Maturing debt
Guarantee agencies:British Fatong Insurance Group
Investment progress:  43%
Project details

You only need to successfully recharge and purchase the corresponding wealth management products, and after 24 hours, you can obtain income funds. The income funds obtained can be withdrawn at any time. All New Asia Internationalment costs will receive returns on a daily basis, and all principal will be refunded upon expiration of the cooperation period.

  • Project amount:500000000 USDT
  • Reimbursement means: Earnings are paid by the day,Maturing debt (Holiday revenue as usual)
  • The investment amount:30 USDT
  • everydayearnings:2%
  • Revenue cycle:30 A natural day,full24hours Automatic interest settlement
  • Expected earnings:30*2%*30day =Total revenue18 USDT + The principal30 USDT = A total of principal and interest48 USDT
  • Benefits that:On the day of the investment,On the day of the draw,Due to return this(For example, in10:00Successful investment,In the next day09:00Receive initial revenue)At the end of the natural diurnal cycle,The system will return the income and product principal to your member account;
  • Can after shots:Can after shots
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